Geographic Access Analysis with CDXZipStream

Geographic Access Analysis involves evaluating the accessibility of a location or multiple locations based on geographic and demographic criteria. This type of analysis is vital for sectors like retail, real estate, healthcare, and public services to determine the most strategic spots for their operations and to understand their audience better.

CDX Technologies offers a suite of tools that can enhance these analyses, with CDXZipStream being a standout option for Windows Microsoft Excel users. Apple Mac users can employ our CDXGeodata product in a similar way. We’ve created a custom template to automate the creation of Geographic Access Analysis reports. Using this template is as simple as setting up lists of addresses for your proposed locations (stores) and targets (customers). The locations can be specified as a full address or a simple zip code.

The template first geocodes all the locations to find latitude and longitude. If you already have this data you can enter it in the spreadsheet directly These points of latitude and longitude are used to calculate straight-line distances between all combinations of target and locations So to obtain a report showing the closest locations within radius of each target, all we need to do is specify the radius distance (such as 10 miles) and click a button to automatically create the report. 

Here is a video showing how this works:

To obtain the template you can login to your on-line account and select "Buy Data Updates" from the CDXZipStream or CDXGeodata product management areas. Select the "Geographic Access Analysis Template" from the drop-down list and proceed through the purchasing process. The current price of the template is $99.95. For CDXZipStream you must own the Router, Basic, or one of the premium demographic versions to see this as an option.


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