We now offer a free Excel template that can be used to get key U.S. ZIP Code demographic data for a radius area. The template can be download here. Demographic data fields provided are: population, median age, median age by gender, persons per household, average household income, and average house value. Demographics are sourced from the 2010 Decennial Census ZCTA data, with the exception of household income and house value, which are from the latest 5-year aggregated data of the American Community Survey.
The template is used with our Microsoft Excel add-in CDXZipStream demographic version or higher. Just enter a target ZIP Code, which will be the center of the radius, and up to three radius area distances. Both an overall radius report summary is provided, as well as demographics for each ZIP code within each specified radius. Here are examples of the output:

Calculations are performed automatically by CDXZipStream worksheet functions. No internet connection is required, and the workbook does not contain macros. It is Windows but not iOS compatible. It can be evaluated using the CDXZipStream trial version using the ZIP Codes 06830, 90210, 78746, and 90272.
Note there are many ZIP Codes, such as those assigned to a business, government entity, or post office, that do not have resident populations. In these cases, no demographic data can be returned.
Distance calculations are based on the centroid point of each ZIP Code. Data for up to 1000 ZIP Codes can be returned for each radius area. If you need to analyze more data or require customization of the template, please contact us at customsolutions@cdxtech.com, or call 877-239-8321.