We have just released CDXZipStream version 5.4. For existing users with access to the CDXRadius function we’ve added the ability to center the radius on a specific latitude and longitude as well as zip codes. This version also now includes U.S. Census 2020 data as part of the CDXZipStream demo along with access to the new 2020 Census data feed. Additionally, we’ve also updated our Maptitude functions to support the 2023 Caliper Maptitude release. Other improvements were made as well including updated routing maps with the CDXRouteBing function.
To use the new CDXRadius capability, simply enter the numeric latitude and longitude separated by a pipe character (instead of a zip code) as shown in the image below.

This will allow you to more accurately center radius results on your exact business or other central site.
To get this new feature you need to install CDXZipStream version 5.4.1 or better which is the current trial version on our site. There is no cost to get access to the update. The installation file for this can be downloaded here.