Need to find the demographic characteristics for your customers, a geographic area, or any ZIP Code list meaningful to your business or organization?
We now provide a free template that automatically retrieves ZIP Code geographic and demographic data using our Excel add-in CDXZipStream (Premium version). It not only obtains the raw data for each ZIP Code in your list, but also creates charts of the aggregate data, providing a complete “demographic snapshot” of the ZIP Code list as a whole. This is a great tool for characterizing a specific customer population, for example, or a given geographic area around a store location.
The data is sourced from the latest 5-year aggregated period of the American Community Survey of the U.S. Census, and from the latest Business Census. You can select data from a variety of areas: geography (such as city, state, land area, etc.), age, economics, gender, household and housing data, and race and ethnicity. Demographic values are provided for each ZIP Code, and data for the entire data set are displayed in batch charts.
How to use: Just copy and paste your ZIP Code list into the template, select your area(s) of interest, and click on the “Get Data” button. The progress of the data retrieval is shown in the lower left hand area of the screen. After data retrieval is complete, view the batch demographic charts associated with the ZIP Code list by clicking the “View Charts” button, and then navigate to the worksheets that show the batch data for each selected area of interest. Batch charts are available for all demographic (but not geographic) areas. Note that the charts are built from data retrieved in the “Batch Demographics” worksheet, so data retrieval must be completed first before viewing associated charts. You can print out the batch charts using the Excel print function.
You can also use the template in conjunction with CDXZipStream’s CDXRadius function. If you’d like to get demographic data for the ZIP codes around a store or other central location, use CDXRadius to identify all ZIP’s within the radius area, then just copy the list to the template and run.
Batch data values for each field are either additive or weighted. Additive fields, such as population, age groups, etc. are added together to form a total demographic picture of the ZIP Codes. In order to have meaningful batch values for fields such as median household income and average house value, these are instead weighted according to the number of ZIP Codes in the data set. Here’s an example of some additive and weighted charted batch data for economic demographics:
If no demographic data is associated with a ZIP Code, no data is returned. This may occur, for example, for invalid ZIP Codes or ZIP Codes that have no associated population, such as those found in business zones. Valid ZIP Codes that have no population data, however, do have geographic data that can be retrieved using the template.
This template is a free resource for CDXZipStream users. For an easy way to get batch demographics for a ZIP Code list, you can download the template from our website.
Here’s a list of all the retrievable variables in the template:
Geography – City, County, State, Region, Land area, Water area, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation
Age – Median age, Median age (female), Median age (male), and Age groups by the following categories: Age under 5, Ages 5-9, Age 10-14, Age 15-19, Age 20-24, Age 25-29, Age 30-34, Age 35-39, Age 40-44, age 45-49, Age 50-54, Age 55-59, Age 60-64, Age 65-69, Age 70-74, Age 75-79, Age 80-84, Age 85-89, Age 90+
Economics – Median household income, Average house value, Housing units owned free and clear, Housing units owned with mortgage, Annual business payroll, Number of businesses, Number of employees
Gender - Male and Female populations
Households – Average household size, Family households, Non-family households, Total households, 1-person Households, 2-person Households, 3-person Households, 4-person Households, 5-person Households, 6-person Households, 7+ person Households
Housing – Total housing units, Housing units owned free and clear, Housing units owned with mortgage, Owner-occupied housing units, Renter-occupied housing units, 1-person Owner-occupied housing units, 2-person Owner-occupied housing units, 3-person Owner-occupied housing units, 4-person Owner-occupied housing units, 5-person Owner-occupied housing units, 6-person Owner-occupied housing units, 7+ person Owner-occupied housing units, 15-24 years Owner-occupied Housing units, 25-34 years Owner-occupied housing units, 35-44 years Owner-occupied housing units, 45-54 years Owner-occupied housing units, 55-64 years Owner-occupied housing units, 65+ years Owner-occupied housing units, 1-person Renter-occupied housing units, 2-person Renter-occupied housing units, 3-person Renter-occupied housing units, 4-person Renter-occupied housing units, 5-person Renter-occupied housing units, 6-person Renter-occupied housing units, 7+ person Renter-occupied housing units, 15-24 years Renter-occupied Housing units, 25-34 years Renter-occupied housing units, 35-44 years Renter-occupied housing units, 45-54 years Renter-occupied housing units, 55-64 years Renter-occupied housing units, 65+ years Renter-occupied housing units,
Race and Ethnicity – American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, Some other race, Two or more races, White, Hispanic population, Non-Hispanic population