Age Demographics – A Key Marketing Resource

Age is one of the most important demographic factors that influences buying habits, and has possibly eclipsed even income in its impact on the marketplace.   The influence of those born after 1980 (often referred to as “Millennials” or Generation Y) on the entire purchasing experience is huge, ranging from the movement away from brick-and-mortar stores to the emphasis of product branding through social media marketing.

Although most consumer buying power is still in the hands of older baby boomers, future trends will be dependent upon younger age groups and the kinds of products and overall buying experience they seek out.  This has always been the case, but the differences between generations are now extreme.   Will Millennials ever value big-ticket items like the cars their parents bought, over smaller high-tech devices?  Will they want to move back into large suburban homes after experiencing urban living?  A single, independent 25-year-old who currently prefers the experiential (travel, entertainment, music) over the material (cars, jewelry, homes) may never look anything like the more affluent boomer of today.   And environmental awareness across all generations – reduce, reuse, recycle – will increasingly affect everything from product design to product lifespan.

Our software CDXZipStream allows you to easily get age demographics by ZIP code, city, county, and state, all within Microsoft Excel.   For example, take a list of customer (or potential customer) ZIP codes and quickly get age demographics based on the latest decennial (2010) Census, or the annual American Community Survey, both administered by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Here’s a tutorial showing how this works: 

The Youtube version can be viewed here:  How to Get Age Demographics

CDXZipStream also offers additional demographics covering individual income, household earnings, educational attainment, school enrollment, population counts, race, and more.   You can try the demo version of CDXZipStream as a free 30-day trial, and as always, all our software is covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.  

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