Do you have the need to identify company locations or resources that are closest to a long list of customers? We’ve talked about our Geographic Access Analysis template as a solution to this in prior blog articles and videos such as the following:
The template initially produces a straight line distance report so it can rapidly sort and compare locations, tens of thousands at a time. This latest release now includes a driving distance report so that the top locations received can be sorted by driving distance as well. Distance can be output in kilometers as well as miles and we’ve made improvements in calculation times. We also now support Maptitude data as well Bing and Mappoint to reduce the cost when analyzing long lists of locations.
The Geographic Access Analysis template is now on sale at $99.95 and can be purchased in your online account in the “Buy Data Update” menu. This includes support and access to the latest template for 12 months. A demo of the template is also now available by contacting