Successful marketing of your business requires understanding the customer base being targeted. Information such as income, age and population is necessary to be able to effectively tailor marketing campaigns. The ability to specify customers by location is also key.
CDX Technologies now offers a free template that uses our CDXGeodata service to calculate zip codes by radius and add matching demographic data for each zip code. The template can be downloaded here. The template will work on Windows and Mac versions of Excel.
CDXGeodata is a set of spreadsheets apps and web service APIs that work with a variety of software platforms including Windows, the Apple Mac and Linux. It was developed for use by standard business professionals as well as programmers to develop custom desktop or web based applications. A free account which renews each month is available that allows 1000 demographics requests. Additional requests that are good for up to one year are also available for purchase.
To use the template, you will first need to get a free CDXGeodata API key from CDX Technologies. This key will need to be entered into the CDXGeodata template by pressing the “Settings” button on the first spreadsheet tab.

Then just specify your target zip code and radius distance and press “Calculate Radius”. All zip codes within the specified zip code will be retrieved. Each zip code will have a corresponding latitude, longitude and distance displayed as shown below.

Before each call to the CDXGeodata service you will be notified how many tokens you have in your account and how many tokens are expected to be used in this operation.
After calculating the radius report then press the “Get Demographics” button.

This will import the demographic data associated with each zip code in the right most 4 column headings. You can change the each headings using columns dropdown dialog. The default is to include city, state, population and income per household. Additional demographic parameters include delivery statistics, age, household and CBSA information. For a given radius report, you can request different demographic information without incurring additional token charges.
CDXGeodata is not licensed on a per user basis like CDXZipStream. Any number of users can access the CDXGeodata service with a single API key. Tokens are used to access CDXGeoData with different levels for each service request. Simple requests like zip code lookups only require 1 token while more complex analysis address verification will require 5 tokens per request. Each free CDXGeodata account comes with 1000 tokens per month. Additional tokens can be purchased on an as needed basis with the following pricing. The tokens are good for up to one year. It’s easy and risk free to get started with our free account.